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Grass Roots Effort

If you take a look at the Population Clock from the US Census Bureau, you will see that there are over 330,000,000 people in the United States.

Of that number, over 90,000,000 are in an age range to be interested in my music because they grew up with the songs I play.

Some of those people will like my songs - some won't. People all have different tastes. Just a fact of life.

I have no way to make those potential listeners aware I'm here. I will not bombard anyone with mass advertising, with click bait ads, paid Google leads, none of that nonsense. My only advertising is through word of mouth.

If you are one of the folks that enjoys listening to my music, please pass the word along to your like minded friends and families so they too may enjoy it. This is not a hard sell - just make them aware of what I'm doing. Tell them in person about my songs, tell them on the phone - tell them via e-mail, by text, by social media, by blogs, by newletters, by whatever.

This truly is a grass roots effort. I can create the songs, I can put them out of the web, but the ongoing success is largely up to you - my fans.

I want my songs to provide you a little lift to a difficult day, to give you a momentary respite from our increasingly hectic world, to help you get through the long drives, to fill a too quiet moment with a few memories from yesterday. I have the songs playing right now as write this - unobtrusively filling up an otherwise empty room that would only be populated with the click of the keyboard and the hum of the air conditioner. With music, you're never truly alone.

Thank you,


Copyright © 2022 Reeves Motal Music. All Rights Reserved

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 1:26:55 AM CST