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0007 Memphis

In the style originally performed by  Lonnie Mack

Original song version from 1963

This short excerpt is in MP3 format running at 128 Kb per second.
The version on the CD album runs at 1,411 Kb per second.
The full CD audio file format size is 24,808 KB and runs for 2 minutes and 24 seconds.

I've done some "odd" things but this is one up near the top. Trying to catch just a little of Lonnie Mack's magic on a piano is not a task sane people would attempt. Still - I think it turned out OK but it was a challenge. I had to tweak sound Envelopes left and right to get even a resemblance of his song.


Memphis was created using 7 Acoustic Grand Pianos, 4 Bright Acoustic Pianos, 1 Steel Strung Acoustic Guitar, 1 Fingered Electric Bass, 1 Acoustic Bass Drum, 1 High Tom, 1 Closed Hi‑Hat Cymbals, and 1 Hand Clap.

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Lonnie Mack     Wikipedia

Memphis by Lonnie Mack

Song released on Tuesday, March 12, 1963

Included in the album The Wham of that Memphis Man

Recording Producer

Harry Carlson

Recording Performers

Lonnie Mack     Wikipedia

Wayne Bullock

David Byrd

Truman Fields

Ron Grayson

Don Henry

Marv Lieberman

Irv Russotto

Bill Jones

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Last Updated: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 12:15:44 AM CST