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0392 Back in the U.S.S.R.

In the style originally performed by  The Beatles

Back in the U.S.S.R. lyrics available from Google Lyrics and AZ Lyrics

Original song version from 1968

This short excerpt is in MP3 format running at 128 Kb per second.
The version on the CD album runs at 1,411 Kb per second.
The full CD audio file format size is 24,438 KB and runs for 2 minutes and 22 seconds.

One of the better Beatles rock songs - at least the music. The lyrics drew criticism from just about ever direction - right, left, and even including Russia.

McCartney has always maintained it was just a fun parody. That may be true - and probably is - but I also remember the song in the context of the times. It wasn't many years before it's release that as a grade school brat, we were still going through nuclear attack drills and hiding under our desks. (Never did know what that was supposed to accomplish.)

Anyway, to borrow an old line from American Bandstand - "It's got a good beat and you can dance to it - I'll give it an 87."


Back in the U.S.S.R. was created using 5 Acoustic Grand Pianos, 2 Bright Acoustic Pianos, 1 Acoustic Bass, 1 String Ensemble 1 (Consisting of 2 Violins, 1 Viola, and 1 Cello), 1 Synthesized Voice Preset, 1 Double Bass Drum, 1 Acoustic Snare Drum, 1 Low Floor Tom, 1 High Floor Tom, 1 Low Tom, 1 Low‑Mid Tom, 1 High Tom, 1 Open Hi‑Hat Cymbals, 1 Pedal Hi‑Hat Cymbals, 1 Crash Cymbal 1, and 1 Hand Clap.

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John Lennon     Wikipedia

Paul McCartney     Wikipedia

Lennon-McCartney     Wikipedia

Back in the U.S.S.R. by The Beatles

Song released on Friday, November 22, 1968

The Beatles Official Website

Included in the album The Beatles

Recording Producer

George Martin     Wikipedia

Recording Performers

Paul McCartney     Wikipedia

John Lennon     Wikipedia

George Harrison     Wikipedia

Ringo Starr     Wikipedia

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Last Updated: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 12:18:16 AM CST