I was the off and on church organist. There were reasons why I wasn't the permanent organist. I was always perfectly behaved during the services (really - I promise!) - but at other times - there might have been a little Ray Charles or Jerry Lee Lewis heard in the sanctuary - much to the consternation of some of our more conservative church members. And then when we got a major upgrade to the pipe organ - well - there was a certain church element that thought Light My Fire was a poor selection for a maiden song to test it out.
There were some similar "incidents" on the school pianos. For example, after a Brigadoon rehearsal the rest of the stage band and I staged an impromptu rock concert in the auditorium - that was broken up by one of our least favorite stick in the mud teachers - and then as she walked out - I ushered her out with Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch is Dead. She only lasted one year, so apparently the administration wasn't too taken with her either. I got out of that just by running laps - which I could do on autopilot - since I'd already worn a groove in the high school track.
In concert band, I played woodwinds, mostly saxophone. I tried all the brass, but just didn't have the lip for it. Could play drums a little. Tried a violin, but a cat having its tail chewed on sounded better, so I gave that up quickly.
In the spring, high school bands and choirs have solo and ensemble contests. The band solos and all the choir contests require a piano accompanist. I was firmly committed to dodging that bullet - but - well - there was this young lady in band that I was highly enamoured of - so I agreed to play piano for her. The dam was broken and I spent all of high school playing accompaniment for just about everyone.
I picked up some guitar from my brother, enough to where I could strum rhythm chords or play a little bass, but lead guitar was (and still is) well beyond me. If you listen to a live version of a song, you'll see that the lead is always different from the studio recordings. All of the really good lead guitarists I've talked to say they never can play it the same way twice. I had the same problem with some of the organ solos played with a band. Somehow it never comes out the same.
PS The album graphic is a further indication that we live in a litigious society that has run totally off the rails. Infamously, "Warning: Do not dump hot coffee in your lap." "Warning: Do not attempt to use toaster in wet areas." You mean I can't make toast in the swimming pool? "Warning: Do not eat desiccant packets." That one was from a bottle of vitamins. Come on, they look so tasty. Anyway, if you suffer diminished mental facilities from your association with my stuff, just remember that you've been warned.
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