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0008 Concierto de Aranjuez - 2nd Movement - Adagio

Concierto de Aranjuez, 2nd Movement, Adagio, in B minor

In the style originally performed by  Joaquin Rodrigo

Original song version from 1939

This short excerpt is in MP3 format running at 128 Kb per second.
The version on the CD album runs at 1,411 Kb per second.
The full CD audio file format size is 30,752 KB and runs for 2 minutes and 56 seconds.

I was about six and my parents, along with my aunt and uncle, had taken me along on a shopping trip down into Mexico. We drove from Laredo to Monterrey and then on to Saltillo and Torreon.

While they were in a store, I was listening to three musician's playing outside. They had a huge Guitar and two more conventional ones. They played the Adagio movement and I was instantly fascinated. I only knew a few words of Spanish at the time and was trying to find out what the song was when they finished. Fortunately, my uncle who was fluent showed up about then and I learned the song name.

He and my aunt were back home on vacation from Peru where he worked as a geologist for one of what's now Exxon's subsidiaries.


Concierto de Aranjuez - Adagio was created using 4 Acoustic Grand Pianos, 1 Acoustic Bass, 2 String Ensembles 1 (Consisting of 2 Violins, 1 Viola, and 1 Cello), 1 String Ensemble 2 (Consisting of 2 Violins, 1 Viola, 1 Cello, and 1 Contrabass), 1 Double Bass Drum, 1 Electric Snare Drum, 1 Side Stick/Rimshot, 1 Closed Hi‑Hat Cymbals, 1 Open Hi‑Hat Cymbals, and 1 Ride Cymbal 1.

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Joaquin Rodrigo     Wikipedia

Concierto de Aranjuez - Adagio by Joaquin Rodrigo

Song released about January 1939

Joaquin Rodrigo Official Website

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Last Updated: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 12:15:44 AM CST