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0369 Star Spangled Banner

In the style originally performed by  Francis Scott Key and John Stafford Smith

Star Spangled Banner lyrics available from The Smithsonian

Original song version from 1814

This short excerpt is in MP3 format running at 128 Kb per second.
The version on the CD album runs at 1,411 Kb per second.
The full CD audio file format size is 13,831 KB and runs for 1 minutes and 20 seconds.

Anytime someone creates something, their creation becomes special to them. But like everything, some creations are more special than others. This song is one of those most special things for me. It has been an influence upon my life for as long as I can remember.

In my version, I tried to not only render the song, but to perhaps capture a little of the history of it and the country it has come to represent. It starts simply, a fledgling single key melody on the piano - just as our nation started as an unlikely fledgling among the world community of nations. And then it builds - each phrase a little stronger, a little grander than the previous - just as these United States of America too have grown.

After all these years, after all the events I have experienced and witnessed, I still feel a chill every time I hear it.

Forever may it wave,


Right click then select Save Link (Target) As to download Full MP3 version of The Star Spangled Banner

Star Spangled Banner was created using 3 Acoustic Grand Pianos, 1 Acoustic Bass, 2 String Ensembles 1 (Consisting of 2 Violins, 1 Viola, and 1 Cello), 1 String Ensemble 2 (Consisting of 2 Violins, 1 Viola, 1 Cello, and 1 Contrabass), 1 Orchestral Harp, 1 Synthesized Brass Section 2 (Consisting of 1 Trumpets, 1 Cornet, 2 French Horns, 1 Trombone, 1 Baritone, and 1 Tuba), 2 Timpani, 1 Crash Cymbal 1, and 1 Crash Cymbal 2.

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Francis Scott Key     Wikipedia

John Stafford Smith     Wikipedia

Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key and John Stafford Smith

Song premiered about 1814

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Last Updated: Saturday, December 24, 2022 4:05:50 AM CST